Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Advert Evaluation.

I think this final image was harder than my image for subcultures. 
Originally, I was going to submit this image 
I accidentally converted the image to greyscale using RAW resulting in the inability to add coloured text. 

I continued to fully edit but I wasn't pleased with the outcome. It didn't look as appealing. I figured that it was probably because of the border around the text, it's the focus of attention, and that is not what I intended. 

So I decided to start again, I changed the quote. I also removed the border around the text.
I realised once finishing that this image is a lot sharper, the model's face is sharper than my submitted final image.

Also, I'm really not a fan of the harsh shadows on her fore-arm.

Once I re-edited I realised that I hadn't credited the artist quote, so added it in again using the same font, however decreasing the opacity.

I think now the image is a lot softer, the HMV logo is the right colour and I have removed the border around the image, the final looks a lot cleaner.
If I were to re-do the shoot, I'd experiment with different lighting, maybe try some more 'beauty lighting'. 

Subcultures Evaluation.


I think this image is quite fun and really captures the geeky/gamer look I was hoping for.
This image was relatively easy to produce, I already had my plan and idea's sorted and using my brother made the experience easier too. I found he was more confident and conveyed the emotion needed perfectly.
Whilst editing the image, I had originally decided without thinking to airbrush and remove blemishes off of his face however whilst boosting the clarity I decided against it. I figured that stereotypically, a gamer is conveyed as 'grubby', so by airbrushing away the dirt..I don't think the final image would have worked as well.
I added the green 'X' in the background to merely make the background more appealing.. but later realised it looked like the xbox logo. (below)

If I were to to do this image again, I'd probably spend more time on post production, edited some of the other images from my contact sheet. I'd also re-shoot, using the same lighting but making sure the backdrop isn't in the shot as this caused some problems for me.

Editing Subculture final

Original Image

First I worked in RAW. 
First I touched up any noticeable blemishes on RAW using the 'spot removal' tool. Here are two screen shots, before and after. 
The noticeable blemishes being small spots and marks on his glasses. 

I then changed the contrast to +30. 
I then opened the image up in photoshop as a 'smart object'. 
I then turned the clarity up to 50, I did this originally to begin the airbrushing process however I found that with the clarity up, it makes the image look better. 

During the shoot I noticed the backdrop wasn't big enough and I decided that post production could fix it.
I did this by using the brush tool and the clone tool.

I found this very difficult to achieve as the tools I were using weren't showing so I had to guess.
Unfortunately cleaning the edges proved difficult.

I then added the xbox logo to the background, using a new layer, the rubbing tool and turning the opacity down.
Once I was happy, I changed the opacity to 55%.

I then had to create my 'drawn', 'poster' effect, so the rough edges look like they are meant to be there. I also felt that this could give a 'comic/ graphic' feel to it.

First I selected 'Invert'. This was my result.

I then turned the 'Fill opacity' down to 10%.

Final image

Below are my final images for my self portrait/ subcultures idea.
I used my brother as he's generally perceived in a geeky, nerdy kind of way.

Here is my studio set up.
I shot on RAW and used a fish eye lens.
I used a mutual grey background with my model in the middle.
The first light was in front of the model up high, I used a honeycomb to create a softer ambient.
To the right I used a small soft box.

ISO:  200
aperture:  F2.8
Shutter speed: 1/125

This shoot took around 2 hours, it was fun and my model was perfect. I had never worked with a fish eye lens before and I was unsure about the results, however I found it gave the image a funny feel.
The first four images were taken using only the honey comb light and I found they didn't hold the right mood.

I found this shoot quite difficult because I really wanted to pull off my model wearing glasses. It took a few attempts, if it wasn't the light reflecting, it was the camera.

Image 40 and 41 was successful and I have decided on using one of these in my final shoot.

Subcultures research

My idea for subcultures is 'gamer' 'geek' which is society is mainly centred around teenage boys who spend too much time in their room, playing game after game. 
I chose this because it reflects my lifestyle and personality. 

After researching over the internet there wasn't really anything that inspired me, then I went onto http://www.fotosearch.com 

Here are a selection of inspiring images I found using the terms 'geek', gamer', 'nerd' and 'xbox'

These images each inspired my idea for my final image and how I'm going to shot. 
I particularly like the fish eye lens images as by using this I can get a full body shot. Mainly, the use of body language is key. I want to create something fun, and real. As if the camera is the tv. 

Editing advertising final

Original image

First, I removed any blemishes using 'spot removal' on camera RAW.

I then boosted the clarity full and opened the image up into photoshop as a 'smart object'.
I continued to duplicate the layer and call the new one 'airbrush, rasterize the full clarity later and open the airbrush later back into RAW.

I then decreased the 'clarity' and opened the image back up into photoshop. I rasterized the layer, moved the full clarity layer above the airbrush later and used the rubbing tool to soften her skin.
I used the clone tool to remove any more blemishes and marks.

Once finished, I added the 'hmv' pink logo.
I then created a text layer and after researching, decided to simply use the photoshop text 'Ariel' in lower case.

I then added speech marks. The size: 72 and making then bold to increase the size.
I made two separate layers for each speech mark, making them easier to control.
I then added the quote 'Something's wrong when we regret' the same way' in a new text layer.
I also credited myself within the image as on the campaign posters, the photographer is credited.

I continued to select the original two layers, merging them together and making a new adjustment later. I decreased the saturation to make the image black and white but keeping the logo the trademark pink.


Final advertising shoot

ISO: 200
SS: 1/125

These are the images I took for my final advert shoot.
My previous shoot changed my mind on the backdrop colour, instead of the white, I decided to use black to work with negative space.

For this shoot I used just one light with a snoot on the right hand side, angling to my model.
I experimented with different distance. It was quite difficult because I wanted the emotion to be real. I asked my model to wear headphone and listen to her favourite song. She instantly began smiling, singing, dancing and there was a lot of movement.  Below is a lighting diagram.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Cosmetic Retouching

Original Image. 

The first thing I did was change the exposures, highlights and contrast on camera RAW. 

I then continued to touch up the background and remove blemishes using the 'Spot removal tool (B)

I then boosted the clarity full and opened it up in photoshop as a 'smart image'.
I then duplicate the layer and call in 'airbrush'.

I then 'rasterized' the original layer, and opened 'airbrush' up into camera RAW, this time decreasing the clarity to 0 and opening it back up into photoshop. 

I then placed the original layer above the airbrush layer. I used the rubber tool - size: 28pxl, hardness: 69%- zoomed in and rubbed out his skin. Below are my results. 



I then continued across the whole face. Below are my results. 


To change the eyes, I selected the tool 'Polygonal lasso tool' and selected around both eyes

I then created a new adjustment layer - hue/saturation and clicked ok. 


I then experimented with hue, saturation and lightness and below is the result on the eyes. Below is the result. 

I then used the liquify tool to change the shape of his mouth slightly and bring his neck in a little bit. 
Below is the finished version. 

Final ideas research

HMV My Inspiration Campagne. 

This image is of a well known music artist, Ellie Goulding. I chose to research Ellie Goulding because I thought she resembled my chosen model. 
I noticed the background was black, this relates well to my idea of using negative space. I also like how she fills the frame nicely. 

The lighting seems pretty simple, i image it's just one light to the right, maybe a slight hair lighting. Some reflectors at the left to highlight her left arm. 

If I were to take this photo I would have lit up her eyes more or even used Rembrandt's method and created the triangle under her eye more. 

The layout of these posters are quite nice and clean, I may experiments with different layouts.

 This is not a HMV poster, however it follows the same concept. The use of negative space and the movement in her body language is what I want to create. 

My plan is to make the model listen to her favourite song and act accordingly. 

Thursday, 28 February 2013


I find I'm personally drawn to very natural portraits expressing a lot of emotion based on the personality of the subject. 

I dislike posed images a lot. 

My idea: 
Based on HMV-My inspiration campaign.

Music retailer HMV has been running its 'My Inspiration campaign' for a number of months, inviting leading stars to choose their musical or lyrical inspiration. As the campaign marks the milestone of 100 different artists.

I really support the meaning behind this; celebrities showing the world what inspired them to work so hard. 

This is Madonna's inspiration poster. This is one of my favorites because Madonna is well known as being revealing, over the top and made up hair and make-up wise. Yet in this she's her natural self, she's not trying too hard, she's portraying herself as if she's lost in the words 'Jesus died for somebody's sins, but not mine'. Those were the words that inspired her. 
I also love the soft lighting, making her face look flawless. 

I plan on using regular students to model for me, asking them to personally choose their inspiration, whether musically, artistically or for just living.

I used a model that I personally knew to do some test shots in the studio, hoping to use an image as my final piece but unfortunately I wasn't happy with the results. (below)

I shot in RAW, on manual mode. 
All shots taken were f2.8, 1/125

Evaluation: I found that even though my model was confident but stubborn. She wasn't really paying much attention to my idea and chose to pose how she wanted. 
Technically however I'm happy with the lighting setup. 

I wanted her to convey emotion to fit in with the theme of 'being inspired'. 
I came to the conclusion that I'm going to use a black backdrop and work more with negative space so when I add the 'inspiring quotes' they will look presentable in the negative space. 
Compositionally my image won't be the same either, I've decided to not have my model positioned in the centre as it can be quite boring, I will position the model off centre, possibly to the right looking into the frame. 

Below is the lighting setup. 

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Cutting and merging in Photoshop

First I used the magic wand tool (W) to select the back ground on the left side, I then held shift to select the centre background and the right side. 

I then selected 'Inverse', this reverses the selection. 

I then copied and pasted the selection to the background. 

I then went to edit > transform > scale. 
I held down 'shift' whilst dragging the corner of the image to keep it scaled. 
I then noticed an irritating thin white boarder around the dresses. 

I went back to my original dress later, clicked 'modify' and then 'contract'. 

I chose 3 pixels and then continued to copy and paste the dresses to the background. Below is the result. 

As you can see the highlight around the dress is gone. 

I then proceeded to clear any blemishes around. Below is the finished result.