Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Below are my final images for my self portrait/ subcultures idea.
I used my brother as he's generally perceived in a geeky, nerdy kind of way.

Here is my studio set up.
I shot on RAW and used a fish eye lens.
I used a mutual grey background with my model in the middle.
The first light was in front of the model up high, I used a honeycomb to create a softer ambient.
To the right I used a small soft box.

ISO:  200
aperture:  F2.8
Shutter speed: 1/125

This shoot took around 2 hours, it was fun and my model was perfect. I had never worked with a fish eye lens before and I was unsure about the results, however I found it gave the image a funny feel.
The first four images were taken using only the honey comb light and I found they didn't hold the right mood.

I found this shoot quite difficult because I really wanted to pull off my model wearing glasses. It took a few attempts, if it wasn't the light reflecting, it was the camera.

Image 40 and 41 was successful and I have decided on using one of these in my final shoot.

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