Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Final ideas research

HMV My Inspiration Campagne. 

This image is of a well known music artist, Ellie Goulding. I chose to research Ellie Goulding because I thought she resembled my chosen model. 
I noticed the background was black, this relates well to my idea of using negative space. I also like how she fills the frame nicely. 

The lighting seems pretty simple, i image it's just one light to the right, maybe a slight hair lighting. Some reflectors at the left to highlight her left arm. 

If I were to take this photo I would have lit up her eyes more or even used Rembrandt's method and created the triangle under her eye more. 

The layout of these posters are quite nice and clean, I may experiments with different layouts.

 This is not a HMV poster, however it follows the same concept. The use of negative space and the movement in her body language is what I want to create. 

My plan is to make the model listen to her favourite song and act accordingly. 

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