Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Subcultures Evaluation.


I think this image is quite fun and really captures the geeky/gamer look I was hoping for.
This image was relatively easy to produce, I already had my plan and idea's sorted and using my brother made the experience easier too. I found he was more confident and conveyed the emotion needed perfectly.
Whilst editing the image, I had originally decided without thinking to airbrush and remove blemishes off of his face however whilst boosting the clarity I decided against it. I figured that stereotypically, a gamer is conveyed as 'grubby', so by airbrushing away the dirt..I don't think the final image would have worked as well.
I added the green 'X' in the background to merely make the background more appealing.. but later realised it looked like the xbox logo. (below)

If I were to to do this image again, I'd probably spend more time on post production, edited some of the other images from my contact sheet. I'd also re-shoot, using the same lighting but making sure the backdrop isn't in the shot as this caused some problems for me.

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